Just a little reminder, these are photographs, and
they do take a little time to upload. You also may press on
each of the pictures to get a larger view. I do hope you
enjoy seeing them, as much as I enjoy taking the
photographs and having the privilege of spending many
months in their company.
And this is where it all started .. on a little section of
grassy land surrounded by the Taunton River water, located
diagonally across the river from the Taunton Yacht Club.
I was told to keep watching in that direction. And then on
a gloomy morning in the month of May, and with the river
waters being somewhat rough, Lo and Behold, what a pleasant
surprise visit I received .. such a rare site to be
After that morning, mama swan stayed home with the babies,
but papa swan still came for his daily visit. Oh he was so
very proud and was always showing off.
Then he'd be off on his way...
Then there were those days that he thought his territory
was being invaded...
Then several weeks later, the sun brightly shining, mama
brought her cygnets to shore... Oh they were so much joy to
watch and be with.
Press Here and See
Papa Swan Protecting His Territory
Press Here and See
How They Grew and Grew and Grew!!
Press Here and Meet The Rest Of The River Kids (Osprey and the
These photographs were taken by myself, at the
Taunton Yacht Club. They hold dear and fond memories.
Please do not link to them, and if there are any you would
like to use, please just send me an e-mail and I would be
more than happy to accommodate.
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